Ashur Academia specializes in the publication of scholarly works, encompassing academic journals, conference proceedings, and other materials authored by esteemed researchers, scholars, and academics. Ashur Academia diligently facilitates the dissemination of knowledge across diverse academic disciplines by meticulously managing the peer-review process, meticulously editing manuscripts, and meticulously designing publications. Ashur Academia is steadfastly dedicated to the production of superior scholarly content.

  • Journal of Practical Cryptography

    The Journal of Practical Cryptography (JPC) aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and professionals to publish high-quality, innovative research in the field of applied cryptography. JPC welcomes contributions covering a wide range of topics, including but not limited to cryptographic protocols, cryptographic implementations, security analysis, cryptographic tools and techniques, cryptographic applications in various domains such as cybersecurity, privacy, blockchain, IoT, and secure communications. The journal seeks to bridge the gap between theoretical cryptographic concepts and their real-world applications, promoting the development and adoption of practical cryptographic solutions that address contemporary security challenges. JPC encourages submissions that demonstrate practical relevance, experimental validation, and applicability in real-world scenarios, fostering collaboration and exchange of ideas among researchers, practitioners, and industry experts in the field of cryptography.

  • Journal of Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Transport

    JFDTT provides a forum for research emphasizing experimental work that enhances fundamental understanding of heat transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics. The journal covers research based on new experimental results or new experimental techniques pertaining to any of the three main research areas or their combination. In addition, the journal covers research in mass transfer, cryogenics, flows with phase transition, multiphase flows, combustion, flows in porous media, particle-laden flows, bioinspired flows, biomedical flows or heat transfer, microfluidics, and turbulence, provided a clear focus on enhancement of fundamental understanding based on experiments is present. Submissions focused on novel experimental techniques should include a robust validation of the results against established techniques or theoretical predictions.